Wanted: Talented people to shape the future of in-store shopping

Qué estamos construyendo



Nuestra visión a largo plazo es que MishiPay se convierta en el método de pago que los clientes esperan en las tiendas. Durante años, cuando queríamos coger un taxi, hacíamos cola en una parada o levantabamos el brazo mientras esperábamos en la calle. Hoy, nuestro primer instinto es hacerlo mediante nuestros smartphones. Queremos que MishiPay tenga el mismo impacto en las tiendas, para que los compradores escaneen y paguen sus productos con sus móviles, en lugar de perder tiempo haciendo cola en la caja.


A few words from our Founder & CEO
Mustafa Khanwala

Hear from our Chief Product Officer
Theo Sotiriou



La revolución digital ha golpeado duramente a los comercios. Queremos devolver el poder a los minoristas y proporcionar la tecnología para crear el tipo de experiencia de cliente excepcional que ayudará a que la calle principal vuelva a prosperar. Nuestra misión es hacer que la experiencia de compra en la tienda sea lo más agradable y cómoda posible, tanto para los clientes como para el personal de la tienda.


Buscamos personas que estén dispuestas a unirse a nosotros para construir esta plataforma y dar forma al futuro de las compras. Te unirás a una empresa que está trabajando con algunos de los mayores minoristas del mundo, y estamos creciendo rápidamente. Nuestros fundadores incluso han sido nombrados en la prestigiosa lista Forbes 30 Under 30 para 2019.


Descubre qué oportunidades hay disponibles a continuación.

Buscamos personas con talento que quieran ayudar a dar forma al futuro de las compras en tienda.

Puestos vacantes por ubicación

¿Cómo es el trabajo en MishiPay?

Premios y reconocimientos en MishiPay


Competitive salary AND significant bonuses!


Equity for our more
senior roles


Monthly Learning and Development allowance

The Right Tools

A new Macbook & whatever you need


Online fitness sessions for all offices


Two monthly award schemes (and win various prizes)


Free lunches in our Bangalore office


Daily company updates to support remote working


Team-building and
fun events

Health & Motivation

Monthly health drives and fun competitions


Impacting the daily lives of global shoppers

Work & Life

Enjoy unlimited holidays for work life balance

Mishi Awards

At MishiPay, we recognise the importance of people in business success.

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Everyday we hear and see people going above and beyond within their role at MishiPay!

Recent Winner


Kamakshi Pant

QA Engineer

I am extremely gratified about this award. A big thanks to the team for their continuous help and support! It brings more self-belief and dedication to my work.

Recent Winner


QA Engineer

I am incredibly thankful to receive this award. It encourages me to continue to perform at a high standard.

Recent Winner

Ryan Hennessy

Sales (UK&I)

I wanted to help the surrounding teams with tasks as it would assist us all in pushing in the same direction. I'm thankful for being chosen to win this, and I'm eager to always help anyone from any team where possible.

trailblazer award

Celebrating innovative ideas, execution of which would ease our challenge & have a business impact!

Recent Winner


Nadia Gomes

Manager - Project Deliveries

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin
Thanking all the individuals in MishiPay who have involved me in various learning opportunities and pushed me to adapt to newer challenges.

Recent Winner


Manasa Kandimalla

Software Engineer

Highly grateful for all the support and guidance received from everyone. Looking forward to many more exciting experiences with the team.

Celebrating innovative ideas, execution of which would ease our challenge & have a business impact!

Recent Winner



Software Engineer - Payments

Delighted for the award, towards building the new experience for in store shopping.

Recent Winner

Jeff Lee, MishiPay's UI/UX Design Lead

Jeff Lee

UI/UX Designer

Stay hungry, be impatient, build better products.

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Champions Trophy to celebrate the best performing team of the Quarter. KUDOS!

Recent Winner

"Product Squad"

In the Product squad we are happy to be recognised as a high-performance team but these is still much we can do to improve, we have to continue working hard and smart. We are passionate about our mission and we believe MishiPay can truly change the way shoppers shop in store!

La vida en MishiPay

Los valores fundamentales de MishiPay


R esponsabilidad

1. Somos dueños de nuestros resultados, buenos o malos
2. Asumimos la responsabilidad de nuestros resultados y no culpamos a los demás
3. Creemos que los equipos que hacen un esfuerzo adicional y van más allá son los que triunfan


P úsqueda de la excelencia

1. Nunca nos conformamos con nada que no sea lo mejor; de nosotros mismos y de los demás
2. We show up every day, ready to solve a problem and ready to make an impact
3. We reward people who strive for excellence and create great outcomes


P asión

1. Nos encantan los problemas difíciles y trabajamos con un enfoque implacable para resolverlos
2. "No podemos hacerlo" no existe en nuestro mundo
3. Hacemos grandes planes, apuntamos alto y logramos lo imposible


A prendizaje

1. Innovamos, iteramos y mejoramos, cada día
2. Buscamos aprender con entusiasmo y diligencia, no necesitamos que nos enseñen
3. Aprendemos tanto del fracaso como del éxito


E mpatía

1. Estamos ahí para los demás, escuchamos, apoyamos y valoramos a nuestro equipo
2. Vivimos y respiramos nuestra misión. Esto no es "sólo un trabajo" para nosotros
3. Nos ponemos en el lugar de nuestros clientes y nos centramos en resolver sus problemas.

¿Alguna otra pregunta?

We are a friendly bunch, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

email: [email protected]

People at MishiPay

Shivam Rawat
Lead Software Engineer

It's nice to work with a dedicated group of people who always give their best to improve on a product we all believe in. Being surrounded with that type of environment makes Mishipay a great place to grow personally and professionally.

Blay Gnahore
Business Development Analyst

Working at Mishipay has been a journey of growth and development. When I first started my role I didn't know how much knowledge I would acquire from all sectors of the company. Working with a team that's like a family to achieve a common goal is a very refreshing feeling and Mishipay is definitely a place that you'll feel exactly that

Graphic Designer

I was drawn to MishiPay because I Iove the concept of the product - Scan, Pay, Go. Such a simple concept but in reality it makes a huge difference to a user's shopping experience. One of the best things about working here is the diverse team, you get a chance to work with people from all around the world. As a designer, it's super exciting for me to know that my designs are being published in big retail stores like MUJI, Flying Tiger Copenhagen, SPAR, Univision etc. and getting recognised around the globe.

Finance Manager

Ample of learning opportunities across the board. The management team is open to new ideas and extends support for exploring new options. Along with work, we also have yoga sessions, book clubs, monthly pot for learning coupons, creativity clubs(art), a monthly champion for being a compassionate team member & an extra mile award which enables us to approach life from a holistic view. We keep ourselves fit via Mishimove and lot more!!
