Virgin Megastore - Electronics Scan & Go Case Study
MishiPay Case Studies

The Impact at a glance

0 /5
In-app rating from users.
+ 0 %
Increase in average basket value vs store average

In June 2022, electronics retailer Virgin Megastore, part of Azadea group, decided to pilot Scan & Go in the flagship Dubai Mall. Results beat expectations and Virgin Megastore decided to expand the solution across all stores in the United Arab Emirates.


Virgin Megastore offers multiple different products in their physical stores: from smart TVs to laptops, from books to smartphones, and from accessory gifts to vinyl discs. Every visit to a Virgin Megastore location is always linked with experiencing new technologies and browsing and physically interacting with products. However, at the peak of this experience and when the customer has picked up the product and is ready to buy, long queues and waiting destroyed the momentum, causing abandoned baskets and disappointment. The leadership team wanted to allow customers to have a great browsing experience as well as a great and quick checkout experience.

MishiPay deployed the Scan & Go solution, allowing customers to use their phones to checkout. Shoppers scan the barcodes of the items they want to buy and complete their transaction on the spot paying electronically via debit/credit card or Apple Pay and Google Pay.

This case study details some of the results that were achieved in the months post the launch of Scan & Go.

The Case Study



MishiPay understands that shoppers love to visit and spend time in the stores. However, after browsing the items and carefully deciding what to buy, the stores fail the shopper right before the checkout. Long queues and waiting for leads to losses, customer dissatisfaction, and abandoned baskets.


Electronics stores offer plenty of interactive experiences. Virgin Megastore is known for its futuristic approach to physical in-store shopping and its leadership position in terms of experiences available to shoppers. However, disappointment at the checkout area was frequent, especially during busy weekends. With the average value of every basket close to $100, every physical cart abandonment is causing a steep increase in revenue loss.


After careful consideration, Virgin Megastore selected MishiPay as the technology provider for the shopping journey in the pop-up store.


MishiPay enabled customers to

  • Scan an item
  • Connect loyalty CIRCLE card
  • Complete payment
  • Receive electronic receipt
  • Detag the item in a dedicated VIP lane


Make Money

  • 23% Higher Basket Size
  • 1.9 ABS, higher than traditional cash tills.

When people spend more time browsing and spend less time queueing, they buy more. The average basket value and size of MishiPay users inside the Virgin Megastore is 23% higher compared to non-users. MishiPay updates the customer as they add or remove products from their cart, keeping them fully aware of their total purchase while they shop. The shopper receives real-time notifications of any deals that may be applicable to the products they scan, and their savings are instantly applied when these promotions are activated. 


Save Money

  • 20% adoption during peak times on weekends
  • 6% average adoption rate
  • Over 260 staff hours saved

Virgin Megastore is seeing 1 in 5 people shifting to the mobile self-checkout solution during peak hours. Normal tills oftentimes get busy with people who place large orders that require delivery addresses and communication for delivery times, lengthy warranty papers that need to be signed, and questions that customers ask. Across the week, the average adoption rate is at 6% with over 260 staff hours saved.


Customer Satisfaction

  • 4.88 out of 5.00

With 1 in 3 users rating their experience as 5/5 and an overall average of 4.8 the results in user satisfaction quickly persuaded Virgin Megastore to expand the MishiPay experience.


Marwan Hert, President Lifestyle Division at Azadea, Virgin Megastore’s parent company, said: “In MishiPay we have found a solution that brings an engaging, digital shopping experience into our brick and mortar stores, whilst cutting out the friction at the point of payment. The MishiPay team has delivered a product that our shoppers are going to love using whilst our staff will be able to focus on ensuring they optimize the store experience for our guests, rather than being marooned behind a checkout. Ultimately, MishiPay’s solution is a win for both shoppers and our store teams.”


MishiPay founder and CEO Mustafa Khanwala said: “Entering a new market for the first time is always very exciting, and to do so with a brand as strong as Virgin Megastore has been a brilliant experience. There is a clear synergy between our brands and the cutting-edge experiences we want to create for customers. We are looking forward to bringing the benefits of our technology to even more shoppers in Dubai and elsewhere in the Middle East in the coming weeks.”

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