Why MishiPay

MishiPay Product Capabilities | Retail Technology | Shopping

The Most Seamless Shopping List Experience

The MishiPay Account page featuring the Londis logo
The MishiPay shopping list on a user's phone
Instructions for users about how to use the Mishipay shopping list

Users engage with MishiPay outside of the store.


The “Shopping list” feature allows the MishiPay user to create a shopping list and keep track of the items they want to purchase next.


User can add items by scanning product barcodes and/or typing the name of the items.

Once the user goes back to the store, they can transfer the shopping list directly to their basket. No need to scan every product!


Automatically on the scanner page the shopping list icon will be highlighted!


Tap on the shopping list icon and transfer the items, you will automatically see the basket update!

A user scanning a product in a Londis store using MishiPay
Items that have been added to a user's shopping list in the MishiPay app

Offline Mode - No WiFi, No 4G, No Problem

An item that has been scanned using the MishiPay Offline Mode
A message on the MishiPay application informing a user that they low data connection so Offline Mode has been activated

MishiPay App is designed to work for all types of stores and under any condition. This is why the MishiPay app will continue to scan items inside the store even with no internet connectivity.


For any kind of store: with black spots, poor network connectivity, low or no wifi, MishiPay App automatically switches between online and offline mode and ensures the users can continue scanning.

MishiPay tech infrastructure allows any promotion to be available on the App for the shopper.


A meticulously designed engine powers every single promotion type available and drive basket increase. Avoid banner blindness inside the store by giving the Shopper the promotions right in front of their eyes.


Apply generic discounts, flat or percentage, combos like meal deals or category based, BOGOF, student discounts and hundreds of other combinations.

A message on the MishiPay app that informs a user about a promotion on a product
A mobile phone featuring the basket contents of a MishiPay user
A mobile phone that shows instructions for adding a promo code

Dynamic discounts are also available: apply discounts to repeat users, reward specific users or run competitions.

Also available: Referrals to boost awareness of your store on the MishiPay network!

Basket Audits with MishiPay Algorithms

The Trust Engine constantly works in the background minimising exposure to risk. Our trust engine flags any atypical behaviour enabling the retailer to carry out additional verification if required.


Staff use the MishiPay Dashboard App (on tablet, smartphone or smartwatch) and get instant notification when the MishiPay A.I. algorithm detects a basket requires checking.

The MishiPay Dashboard on a tablet device showing order details
A verification message on the MishiPay Dashboard

Increase store sales by 14%

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